Our application process is performed online and is open to all. Students are asked to submit their application on our Admission Portal, uploading the required documents (Copy of ID/passport, copy of certificates if applicable and any other relevant document). Applicants can submit their application also in case they have not yet obtained the required certification(s), but they must obtain them and send any required document(s) before 1 September, each academic year. For example, if they are final year students preparing to take their EQF Level 4 examination or awaiting results.
Our admission procedures ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all applicants with no exception. Once the Admission office has reviewed the applications, candidates will receive an official offer letter via email if they meet the entry requirements. To complete the enrolment process, it will be necessary to accept or decline the offer. In case the candidate accepts, the Institute will require a non-refundable registration fee to ensure the student a place in our course. Any other information about the school, the payments and the process to complete the enrolment procedure will be communicated via email.
Please download the step-by-step guide before starting your application.